Sunday, November 13, 2005

1. I have two cats, Bob and Lenny.
2. I am allergic to them
3. I sometimes feel like a walking contradiction
4. I wish I had more money
5. I hate roommates
6. My favorite food is cheese, yet I am lactose intolerant
7. When I was little I wanted to be a movie star, a writer, an astronaut, a forensic pathologist, a firefighter and a superhero ( in no particular order)
8. I can't stand fake people
9. If you are wondering whether you are fake or not, you probably are
10.I'm a Sagitarrius and for some reason I think thats the coolest thing
11. I grew up in Connecticut
12. No, I am not wealthy
13. I miss my family everyday
14. I love thunderstorms
15. I have jumped out of an airplane
16. I have been to almost all 50 states
17. My favorite color is pink
18. I used to think it was blue
19. I have an odd sense of humor
20. I hate bad tippers
21. I never have gum, but always want a piece
22. I am a writer
23. I live in Chicago
24. Suburbs bore the hell out of me
25. I would rather give a homeless guy food than money
26. I worry too much about everything
27. I can't wait to travel around the world
28. I love to read, books are a great escape
29. I wish I didn't find pleasure in pop culture
30. I will only read US Weekly if no one is around
31. My favorite shows are sick police shows (CSI, Cold Case Files)
32. When I was younger I used to read books about serial killers for fun
33. I can't be in a crowded room when I'm drunk
34. I probably drink more than I should. (Not all at once)
35. I never drink the same thing all the time
36. I hate people that stand on escalators
37. I really like spinach
38. ....and vinegar
39. I would give away my appendix right now in order to eat dairy again
40. Last week I dreamed I was a potato
41. I have the strangest dreams....all the time
42. I am the biggest school nerd now
43. I was a professional C student in high school
44. I wish I could go back in time and go to high school again knowing what I know now.
45. I worked a brief stint at Hooters before being fired for throwing a stool at someone
46. Ironically I am not a violent person
47. I love music more than most things in life
48. My grandma was my hero
49. I'm scared of dying old and alone
50. I think old people are cute
51. I always feel bad for them
52. I want a dog
53. I wish I had more time
54. Im a workaholic
55. If I don't stay busy I get really depressed
56. I look to my dad for wisdom and my mother for hope
57. I want to work for a magazine
58. I hate math....and I suck at really
59. I love to make people laugh
60. I love to sleep
61. I can sing kinda good
62. I have a guitar that I don't know how to play
63. I have a problem finishing projects I start :)
64. I cringe thinking about putting cotton or paper towels near my teeth
65. I like mini-golf but I always cheat
66. The same goes for pool
67. I used to have the biggest crush on Joey macyntyre from NKOTB
68. I can't stand people who take everything seriously
69. I think I forgot how to dance
70. My friends are all getting married and it really freaks me out
71. I get bored easily
72. I love to eat
73. I really don't have that many good friends
74. Trusting people is a bitch
75. I like to think Im destined for great things, I worry that Im not
76. I want to have a library in my house
77. I can't wait till I have money
78. I want to have a son
79. I really don't know if I want to get married
80. I am a pain in the ass sometimes
81. I secretly wish I could be in Playboy (oops no secret now!)
82. I worked as a bartender in a strip club for 6 months
83. I've scooped ice cream, worked as a video store clerk, a waitress, a salesperson, a manager, a bartender, a pizza maker, a shot girl, a security girl and so many more I can't even remember
84. I love dealing with people
85. I hate people most of the time
86. I love to learn
87. I sometimes feel like my brain wont absorb as much as I'd like it to
88. I killed far too many brain cells when I was younger
89. I used to smoke pot. a lot.
90. I can't smoke it any more without feeling crazy.
91. I love my mom's house in Vermont.
92. I wish me and my brother were closer
93. I spend about 20% of the time actually working at my internship
94. I love living somewhere where there are seasons
95. I am always cold.
96. I don't have a favorite holiday
97. I love the Daily Show
98. Jon Stewart is my make-believe husband
99. I am close to the same size that I was in high school
100. I miss being a kid
101. I wish I could talk to animals


Blogger CaptainGonzoWriter said...

I usually have gum when people don't need any. I used to read books about serial killers "for fun." I secretly wish that you were in Playboy too. (Not so secretly now). I have a dog and I wish I could talk to her and ask her what her problem is.

11:05 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...


all your dreams will come true and one day youll have so much money that youll just be givin it away...



6:58 PM  

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